Shri Chowdeshwari Ammanavaru

Shri Chowdeshwari Ammanavaru is a popular Goddess in Karnataka, specially the Malenadu region. Shri Chowdeshwari Ammanavaru is also the family deity of many and the village deity in a few villages. A shrine for the Shri Chowdeshwari Ammanavaru was built along with the construction of the             Shri Veeranjaneya Temple within the Praakaara of the temple on the south west corner. Besides the regular pooja held twice a day, at 6-00 a.m. and 7-00 p.m. Devotees can offer the following services, throughout the day.

  • Mangalarati
  • Devi Parayana
  • Serva Seve
  • Bagina Seve
  • Kumkumaarchane
  • Vastralankaara
  • Madilakki Seve

Naga Gudi

Along with the installation of the Shri Veeranjaneya in the main shrine a new Naga Shila was installed replacing an ancient broken Naga Shila, at a distance of 100 meters to the North East of temple on Phalguna Bahula Panchami of 1999. Since then pooja is being performed regularly at 7-00 a.m. There are also a few more Naga Shilas installed there by the devotees on fulfillment of their vows and wishes. The people believe that the Naga worship ensures fertility or getting a child. People take refuge in Naga Worship for relief from Naga Dosha & Skin diseases. The day of reconsecration is celebrated every year on Shravana Shuddha Panchami with special Pooja.
The special services offered by the devotees here besides Naga Prathishte are Ashlesha bali and Sarpa samskaara, Kala Sarpa Shanti.

Annapoorna Temple and Annapoorna Chathra

When the number of devotees increased, the venue of Annadaana which the founder priest       Ve.Mu.Bra. Shri Ganesh Bhat had begun true to his aarsha parampara at his humble home from day one of the installation of Anjaneya, had to be shifted. The Anna Chathra big enough to serve food to two thousand devotees at one time was built and named ‘Annapoorna’. Later a shrine of Goddess Annapoorna was built inside the chathra. Pooja is offered thrice daily regularly. An annual celebration is held on Phalguna Bahula Panchami.

Devotees can offer the following services at the shrine of Annapoorna besides offering Annadaana.

  • Annadaana Seve
  • Madilaakki Seve
  • Bhagina Seve
  • Kukumarchaane Seve
  • Mangalarathi Seve

Samsthaapaka Smaaraka

It is rock carved bust of the founder, Brahma Leena Shri Ganesh Bhat mounted on a raised altar in the center of a Mantapa situated to the North East of the main temple at a short distance from the Naga Gudi.

Many devotees specially those who were associated with him during his life time never miss to visit here and pay reverential homage to the noble soul.

Brahma Ratha

A Brahma ratha was built by expert Vishwakarma according to the prescription of the Shaasthras; The first Brahma Rathothsava was held in the year 2006. Since then Brahma Rathothsava is held regular by during the annual festival every year.

Amruthadhara Goshala

Amruthadhara Goshala was founded by Shri Guruji for housing and taking care of the cows, with a spirit of reverence and service, given the status of cow as mother and an abode of the thirty three crore devatha in the Indian Culture.

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